War and Politics:
Lincoln, Virginia and the Election of 1864

How did the bloody military stalemate in Virginia affect the presidential election of 1864?
Also, how did candidates and generals respond to events during that long summer?
Student Review Games and Activities
Quia Review Games
These activities are aligned with Virginia Standards of Learning VUS.7. Click on the titles below to be connected to each game's page.
Civil War and Reconstruction Battleship - answer questions correctly to sink your opponent's battleship
Civil War Challenge Board - one-person or two-person "Jeopardy" style game
Civil War Hangman Review - key people and vocabulary terms from the era
Civil War Rags-to-Riches Review - a review game modeled after "Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Eduwidgets Review Games
Summer of 1864 Interactive Timeline - using the "Timeline of Events" from this site, move events to their correct location on the timeline and complete a comprehension quiz
1850's Events Interactive Timeline - Read about the key events leading up to the Civil War and complete a short comprehension quiz