War and Politics:
Lincoln, Virginia and the Election of 1864

How did the bloody military stalemate in Virginia affect the presidential election of 1864?
Also, how did candidates and generals respond to events during that long summer?
Abraham Lincoln's
Union Delegation Speech
June 9, 1864
Acceptance of his nomination as the National Union Party candidate
(Close Reading)
Close Readings and Photo Documentaries
These videos focus on primary source documentation in relation to the Election of 1864 and/or the Overland Campaign.
George McClellan's Nomination Acceptance Letter - August 29, 1864
Acceptance of his nomination as the Democratic Party candidate
(Photo Documentary)
Robert E Lee's Address to the
Army of Northern Virginia
May 14, 1864
Morale boosting speech prior to the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
(Photo Documentary)
Abraham Lincoln
to the 166th Ohio Regiment
August 22, 1864
Lincoln expresses gratitude for soldiers' service, as well as campaigning speech
(Close Reading by Andrew Villwock,
Fall 2013 Understanding Lincoln participant)
Abraham Lincoln's
Blind Memorandum
August 23, 1864
Lincoln was convinced he would lose the election, but wanted to help preserve the Union and help the electoral victor
(Close Reading by Matthew Pinsker for Understanding Lincoln)
Abraham Lincoln's
Response to a Serenade
November 10, 1864
Lincoln greets supporters following his 1864 Election victory
(Close Reading by Rhonda Webb, Fall 2013 Understanding Lincoln participant)